On-Demand Property Services. No Management Contracts!
No one knows your properties better than you do so you're not going to trust the decision making to anyone else. You make the policies, collect the rent, and keep the books. Occasionally, you even swing a hammer and turn a wrench. You call all the shots, but every once in a while an on-demand property savvy assistant can be invaluable. After all, you can't be in two places at once. That's where we come in.
Think of us as your property related task and errand service. Rather catch a ball game than walk the HVAC vendor through each unit to service furnaces? We've got this. Going away for the weekend and need someone to run through your move-in protocols with new tenants? Can do! Check out the services list and frequently asked question for more information.
Tenants tend to move in on weekends, especially summer weekends. Wouldn't you rather be relaxing with friends and family? Allow us to facilitate the move. We will meet the tenants to provide or pick up keys, execute your move in/out protocols and checklists, and even offer a photo documented inspection report. We can also facilitate the moving process into and out of Chicago condominium buildings by coordinating all the paperwork with the Association office.
You like showing and renting your units, but dread the lease preparation and delivery part of the process. We can prepare your lease or the Chicago Association of Realtors Chicago lease and route it for electronic signature. Hard copies for wet signature available.
Leaving town for the weekend, on a two-week summer vacation, perhaps you winter in Florida? We can be the point of contact for your tenants during your absence. As we do not provide the actual maintenance service, a list of budget-established vendors will be required. For after-hours emergency calls consider www.Latchel.com or www.SuperTenders.com.
State of the art mobile inspection apps allows us to provide photo documented inspections of building exteriors, common areas, grounds, and unit interiors. These inspection reports are the next best thing to being there in person and allow you to review landscaping work, units turnovers, and other maintenance work from afar. Specific inspection guidelines requires.
It's time to service the furnaces in all 20 units, and your HVAC vendor says that it shouldn't take more than eight hours. That means spending your entire day providing access to each apartment if the tenants will not be present. Allow us to vendor sit while you make the best of your day. Pro Tip: This is an excellent opportunity to do your midyear unit inspections with a photo documented inspection report.
Simply put, if the task or errand does not crossover into the realm of full-service property management, which requires substantive subjective decision-making or creation of policy, financial matters, or accounting, we can likely assist with affordable, on-demand service with no management agreement or contract.
Definitely not. Property management companies make substantive day-to-day decisions on your behalf. Our realm is more task and errand oriented with simple objectives. Think pick up my drycleaning rather than select a nice suit for me.
We do not employ or recommend vendors (painters, cleaners, plumbers, etc). However, we can research vendors and provide you with a short-list and their ratings to save you time.
Simply put, we can help you with most tasks and errand that don't involve accounting, setting or interpreting policies, or making substantial financial decisions.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed